About GPS

Middlebury College’s (MC) Global Partnerships for Sustainability (GPS) is creating opportunities for students to leave a sustainability legacy to the countries where they study. GPS is developing long-term partnerships between MC’s schools abroad and in-country organizations working on sustainability-related issues. GPS creates opportunities for successive cohorts of students to advance the work of partner organizations and their sustainability agendas. Through involvement in GPS students gain significantly greater understanding and proficiency in the language and culture and contribute to a more sustainable future for their host country. The GPS is a collaborative effort between MC’s C.V. Starr Schools Abroad, Environmental Affairs and the Office of Sustainability Integration.


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Hear from past students about their experiences with GPS programs


  Many people in the village buy foods and stuffs in Iida city and Anan town by car.   They also...


今回滞在した私たち4人は、宝羅という屋号のお家で共同生活をしました。 ごはんは基本的に4人で自炊。宝羅でのご飯の様子を少し紹介します!   マディソン、日本のカレー作りに初挑戦! ちょっと焦げたけど醤油かけたら美味しかった笑 龍泉閣で買った信州そば。 直売所で買った椎茸で出汁をとったつゆで山の味。   向方地区のおばあちゃんから大量にいただいたブルーベリーでブルーベリーカブラ(Bulueberry cobbler)とジャム作り。 マディソンパティシエThank you♡   村の子供達と庭の赤紫蘇で赤紫蘇シロップ作り。        

2019 Project: A picture book for children

The reason why I did this project is that I realized through my volunteering activities at ICU and during my...


Who Am I? Name: Madison Jean Philippe Age: 20 School: Middlebury College Major(s): Japanese and Economics Class Level: Rising Senior...